So what does this mean ? Well it will be very different for each of us because we are all unique with what we feel is our own truth,and can and will change as we evolve in life.
For many of us, we find it challenging to say what we really feel or think for fear of upsetting or offending others, we may worry about being judged ridiculed and shut down for expressing our opinions. Our voice may even go into freeze and fear mode when we are called to speak up.
It’s important for the our own evolution of life to explore what may be holding us back from expressing authentic truth, to clearing these blocks , to start identifying with our inner “pleaser “ so that we can begin to find our voice and express our true inner self.
Finding your authentic voice means being able to say no to what does not align to your values and yes to what does , voicing your desires , your needs and opinions , speaking up and asking for what you want and being able to talk freely about your emotions and feelings .
Giving full expression to our voice is an ongoing journey, though there are many ways in which we can help assist in balancing this energy centre located near the base of the neck.
We explore encourage and grow the authentic voice in my Embodied Feminine workshops through movement sound and asana , helping to clear suppressed emotional energy bringing you into a fuller more confident sense of self .
