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Honouring the path to the wise woman rising

I honour your first blood that transitioned you into woman . I honour your maiden years…. whether you embodied the innocence, freedom and creative force of her youth, attracted and gathered and started the journey of fulfilling your fearless dreams , big ideas and intense desires or .........danced wildly with the shadows of your inner chaos as you seeked to find you own identity muddled amongst your childhood wounding and genetic coding. . I honour your maiden energy.

I honour the mother in you, whether or not you grew and birthed your womb children ….. or someone else’s, raised and nurtured them with the guidance of your own inner knowing and knowledge that you knew best at the time .

And for those who did not birth babies, I honour your creative acts, your ideas, your dreams your desires that you brought forth from your maiden years and turned into something tangible that you too could and grow and nurture with your abundant mother energy . I honour your fulfilment of “mother” however you may have embraced this archetypal transition. Your sensuality ,sexuality , fertility and strength of your mother energy ….. I honour it all . I honour the woman that has embodied the maiden and mother …. And still holds and expresses her energies.

And as we enter into our last transition phase of womanhood I honour your wise body that no longer carries the “look “ of youth. I honour every scar that you have collected somehow , somewhere on your journey as each tells a story within many stories . I honour the depth of your expression lines, jowls , double chins , tuckshop arms , your crepey pitted skin, with beauty and acceptance of your natural aging process . I honour the sacredness of your Yoni. Your sacred vessel that has received and given birth, blood and pleasure. I honour your womb and its wisdom and the stretch marks that may lie on the superficial surface. I honour the beauty of your aging breasts, beneath them, I honour the pain of grief , the joy, compassion and unconditional love that has embodied your heart and allowed you to feel deeply. I honour your many descents, that dark murky place we travel to alone , when we choose to no longer ignore and suffer .

I honour you wise woman….I honour your courage you have had to find over the many years to shift and move situations , people places that no longer served….. however long it took…

I honour you as you continue to open and expand into your wisdom …. become more in love with yourself…. Life…. and the many gifts this transitioning into wise woman offers.

I honour you for not becoming invisible ….but trusting and believing your wise woman wisdom has the power to find freedom, her own inner voice, her own inner authority., her deep sense of self .

I honour you for bringing her forth with a sense of dignity and pride so that you may offer her as a gift to other wise women rising within your community and within the collective. I honour you wise woman . 🙏 Blessings Mez x

Wise woman Rising North Bali Retreat 2020 June 12-18th

An honouring and celebration of you feel the calling

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